... is a Carpool? (with all due respects to Gertrude Stein)

It was only a matter of time until the Carpool DeVille went Prime Time. On the season premiere of ABC's The Bachelorette, suitor Shawn E. - a self-described amateur sex coach, curiously cast from Canada - arrived at the Bachelorette Mansion wearing nothing but a wet suit - and the Carpool DeVille. This season's new twist on an old favorite (besides using the Carpool DeVille instead of some tired old limousine) was to start the show off with not one, but two lovely bachelorettes. Britt and Kaitlyn were both suitably impressed - if not perhaps outright baffled - when Shawn rolled up in the Carpool DeVille. Presumably neither of them had ever seen a gentleman sport dinner wear in a hot tub while at the same time driving up for a date. Another suitor, Ryan M. - whose boozy tailspin of a performance is worth your investigating on a blog more dedicated to it - tried to take Shawn down a peg by insulting his ride, but the dualing bachelorette's both jumped to the Carpool's defense, saying they thought it was, "... the best thing that's ever been invented". In the end, Shawn and Ryan both failed to make the cut that night, but the Carpool DeVille clearly gets a rose.